Thursday, June 11, 2009

Visual Response

Today, I was shown a small (5 minutes, possibly) documentary done by a friend as a group project in one of her classes. It is truly inspirational. It features artists with developmental disabilities proving that they are very capable of creating beautiful artwork. 

The thing is - I don't normally do visual responses when I journal, but this video touched by heart, and I figure it will do the same for my readers.

After watching this video, what was your reaction? Has there ever been a time when your perception of someone has led you to underestimate his/her abilities? 

Good luck and best writing!


PS - This group put 10 weeks of work into their project, and then were instructed by the professor to upload it to It has become quite a hit, reaching #41 of roughly 11,000 videos, and if the group could break the top ten, they'd actually make a nice payout for their work. So if you enjoyed this video as much as I did, please take the few moments to register with the site and vote them up! Thank you.


  1. Another excellent question. I am so guilty of judging a book by it's cover so to speak. I have often times been surprised after making a false judgement of someone based on looks then finding them so opposite of what I expected.

    I need to work on it.

  2. I'm definitely guilty as well! It's something about myself that I have been working hard to change.

  3. Thanks for stopping by! And this is an awesome blog-- I'm definitely going to be dropping in here more often.

  4. cookie,
    please stop by my blog. I have an award for you to pick up.

  5. thank youu!! i'm veryyy honoured!
