Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Share the Love

Even on my worst days, I still feel the need to spread a little goodness - you know, show a little love. It can be done in a variety of ways. While I'm thinking about it, this is a great time to introduce you to a blog I follow, Brett's Good Deed of the Day. Same principle as what I'm discussing here. Some days I'll leave a little bit extra in a tip to a hard-working waitress, or give a few extra treats to my doggies when they give me that irresistibly cute look, or even give up whatever important work I'm doing to just listen to a friend that needs someone to lean on. 

How have you shown a little love today? Do you do things like this often? How does it make you feel about yourself? How do you think it makes those on the receiving end feel? 

Good luck and best writing!


Friday, July 24, 2009

A Simple Touch

One of the first things people learn when getting to know me is that I completely lack a sense of smell! Weird, yes, I know, but I have a strange problem with my septum that makes my nose feel like I have a permanent cold. So let's see - no sense of smell, if I didn't have contacts I'd probably be completely blind, and my hearing is terrible. I'm getting old way before my time! What's left - taste and touch, my favorites! For this entry though, we're going to focus on touch. It's an incredible sensation, which can be experienced in so many ways! Here are some things to think about:

How much touching are you comfortable with - from family? friends? strangers? Describe what it feels like to be touched by someone that you love. Name five things that you love to touch because of the way they feel. Imagine that your entire body loses the sense of touch, and you become completely numb to the pain or even pleasure that touch can bring - how would your life be different? Which of your senses do you value the most - touch, smell, sight, hearing, or taste?

Good luck and best writing!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not a Topic, but an Idea

While this won't be an entry that offers you a new topic to write about, I believe it might give you a pretty sweet idea (and me the opportunity to do a little bragging -haha-). I have an amazing fiancĂ© who loves and understands my passion for my journal, although he's never been able to commit to actively keeping a journal himself. Tonight, he had a little surprise for me. He took five pieces of paper, a pen, some tape, and a marker and went to sit down and write. He returned with five folded and taped up pieces of paper that fit in the palm of my hand and were marked on with the marker so I couldn't see any of the words inside. He told me that inside were various topics, which mostly related to our relationship, that I could use to write about in my journal. The rules - I could pick any of the pieces I wanted, but only open one every 24 hours and absolutely no peeking (He knows I'm a terrible snoop, especially around presents). I thought this idea was amazing, and I am so eager to start on the first topic.

This made me think - more people should be doing this! I've heard of giving journal jars as presents (jars filled with journal topics), but not everyone has the time to organize those. This way is much simpler. So I say to you, readers, why not find a friend or loved one who shares your enthusiasm for writing and present them with your own topics. I assure you, they will be thrilled and just itching to pick up the first one to open. The greatest gift you can give are your words. 

Good luck and best writing!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Title: Title: Title:

Whenever I am nearing the end of the blank pages left in my journal, I look back at the past entries and reflect. It's amazing to see the amount of personal growth that these pages contain. It is at this time when I am reflecting, that I declare a title for my journal. Every good journal deserves a name. My handy-dandy leather bound journal, for instance, I've decided to call "Down the Rabbit Hole" (I adore Alice in Wonderland, and this journal has contained quite a bit of madness).

Review your journal entries in search of a common theme. What would you title your journal? Where does that title come from, and what does it reflect about the entries inside? Think of your journal as a book - what illustration would be on the cover? Do you think if it was on a shelf in a bookstore, someone would want to purchase it based on the cover/title (I know it's said to never judge a book by its cover, but we all literally do it sometimes!). What other titles would you consider for your journal? 

Good luck and best writing!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

In a Cage

I'm back! I had a lovely time in NYC, and one of my favorite parts was seeing all of the beautiful creatures in the Central Park Zoo (I'm a big-time animal lover). This little visit got me thinking and inspired the following topic for you to write about!

Imagine that a new type of zoo has just opened, except you are the creature in the cage on display. When people come to see you, what information do they learn about your habits and your lifestyle? Design your own information card that would be on your cage that would tell visitors all about the creature inside. Also, describe what kind of habitat your cage would simulate (Be creative! Does your cage look like a coffee shop or a garden patio? It can be anything! Go in detail!) Thinking deeper - who would you say, if anyone, is your trainer? Who has the most control over you and your actions? If you are a creature who "performs", what do the zoo visitors expect to see you do?

Good luck and best writing!


Friday, July 17, 2009

Pull the Covers Over Your Head & Hold Your Teddy Bear Close

Last night, I had a terribly vivid nightmare. It absolutely shook me to my core. I'm not ashamed to admit that, even though I am an adult, I still crawled out of bed at 5a.m. to go check on my parents (the dream was about my father). I didn't mean to do another dream-related topic so soon after the last one, but after this nightmare, I couldn't help myself.

Describe the last nightmare you had that you can remember. What was the most vivid part of it? How did the nightmare relate to any fears you may have? Upon waking from a nightmare, how do you react and cope with the terrors your mind just released on you?

Good luck and best writing!


(PS - This might be the last post from me until Monday.  I will be spending the weekend in NYC and have zero access to the web. My apologies!)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Make Me a Metaphor

I am a terrible poet. Horrible, horrible, horrible. While I thoroughly enjoy reading poetry, I have absolutely no talent for writing it. That aside, this was a journaling exercise I found quite amusing and actually enjoyed writing.

Just for the few of you out there that might not know exactly what a metaphor is, I'll provide the Dictionary.com (The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy) definition:

The comparison of one thing to another without the use of like or as: “A man is but a weak reed”; “The road was a ribbon of moonlight.” Metaphors are common in literature and expansive speech.

Create a list of metaphors that describe you. Use metaphors to describe your current self, your state of mind, your past, your future, etc. Do not limit your number of metaphors. Write only in metaphors until you fill you have completely and accurately described yourself. (Example: My future is a blank sheet of paper, unlimited possibilities that lay under the control of my hand. )

Good luck and best writing!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dream a Little Dream

I am a big fan of SLEEP. Even though I don't get very much of it, sleep is always a new and exciting experience. I live for little cat naps or the deep slumbers where not even an explosion could wake me. I love to explore the dream world and see what new, strange images my mind will conjure up. 

Describe the area you sleep in most - is it a big, comfy bed with numerous pillows or maybe a cozy couch with a warm blanket? Why is this place so inviting to you? Describe some of your most memorable dreams. 

Good luck and best writing!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

The wish to be special

It is my belief that most everyone wants to have at least one thing that sets them apart from everyone else. One simple factor can make a person unique. Perhaps it is a talent, something you do incredibly well. You want that one thing that makes other people go, "WOAH!" Lately I've been feeling a tad bit mediocre and I'm suffering somewhat of a creativity block in all that I do. I am struggling to do or make at least one thing that impresses people. For those of you in a funk like mine, keep your head up! We'll make it through! For those of you who aren't in that type of funk, congrats! Now get writing!

What is something that you do that makes you "unique"? When others are describing you, do they also describe your talents? What do you hope to accomplish with your talent? How did you discover the talent, and how did you work to improve it? How does it make you feel when you are commended for your unique ability?

Good luck and best writing!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Journey in Time

I apologize for the long delay in new topics. I went on a much-needed vacation and enjoyed taking in a large dose of historical information. Most people go on vacation to take a break from thinking, but I enjoy just the opposite. History can enrich our lives, and we can all learn from the past. 

Suppose you are about to take a vacation, but you can go anywhere in the world during any period of time. You must leave all modern conveniences behind in an effort to immerse yourself in the culture of the time period. Where do you go and why? What would you be most interested in seeing? Who would you want to meet? What do you think you could learn from the people of this time period? What would you do for recreational entertainment? What is the most valuable contribution the people from this time have made to modern times?

Good luck and best writing!
