Friday, July 24, 2009

A Simple Touch

One of the first things people learn when getting to know me is that I completely lack a sense of smell! Weird, yes, I know, but I have a strange problem with my septum that makes my nose feel like I have a permanent cold. So let's see - no sense of smell, if I didn't have contacts I'd probably be completely blind, and my hearing is terrible. I'm getting old way before my time! What's left - taste and touch, my favorites! For this entry though, we're going to focus on touch. It's an incredible sensation, which can be experienced in so many ways! Here are some things to think about:

How much touching are you comfortable with - from family? friends? strangers? Describe what it feels like to be touched by someone that you love. Name five things that you love to touch because of the way they feel. Imagine that your entire body loses the sense of touch, and you become completely numb to the pain or even pleasure that touch can bring - how would your life be different? Which of your senses do you value the most - touch, smell, sight, hearing, or taste?

Good luck and best writing!


1 comment:

  1. Good post and thought provoking. I have to think on this a while. Thanks for the idea. I always get such good writing suggestions from you.
