Monday, August 3, 2009

The Cure

I'll let you in on one of my secrets - one of my biggest fears. I fear that eventually I will develop Alzheimer's. Yes, I am still very, very young compared to those who usually have the disease, but the truth is, it's in my family, and I'm scared to death of it. I don't have a great memory as it is. Already I can't remember simple things that I really should know (Such as what I did yesterday or something a person told me 5 minutes earlier). I keep praying that a cure will be developed well before I'm considered "elderly" and a prime candidate for the disease. Wouldn't it be great if we could just wish away diseases?

If you had the power, what is one disease you would cure? Why is curing this specific disease important to you? Who have you known that has had this disease and what effects did it have on him/her? Theoretically, let's say you could cure this disease for the entire world, but for that to happen you would spend the rest of your life with that same disease - would you do it?

Good luck and best writing!



  1. Hey, I like your blog idea. It's cool. It gives a person a lot to write about, and if not write, at least think. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. You have an interesting blog here! =)
