Thursday, July 23, 2009

Not a Topic, but an Idea

While this won't be an entry that offers you a new topic to write about, I believe it might give you a pretty sweet idea (and me the opportunity to do a little bragging -haha-). I have an amazing fiancé who loves and understands my passion for my journal, although he's never been able to commit to actively keeping a journal himself. Tonight, he had a little surprise for me. He took five pieces of paper, a pen, some tape, and a marker and went to sit down and write. He returned with five folded and taped up pieces of paper that fit in the palm of my hand and were marked on with the marker so I couldn't see any of the words inside. He told me that inside were various topics, which mostly related to our relationship, that I could use to write about in my journal. The rules - I could pick any of the pieces I wanted, but only open one every 24 hours and absolutely no peeking (He knows I'm a terrible snoop, especially around presents). I thought this idea was amazing, and I am so eager to start on the first topic.

This made me think - more people should be doing this! I've heard of giving journal jars as presents (jars filled with journal topics), but not everyone has the time to organize those. This way is much simpler. So I say to you, readers, why not find a friend or loved one who shares your enthusiasm for writing and present them with your own topics. I assure you, they will be thrilled and just itching to pick up the first one to open. The greatest gift you can give are your words. 

Good luck and best writing!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a winner of a guy there. That's a thoughtful and considerate thing to do and a creative one at that.
