Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Lottery Winner

Too often do we hear the phrase, "If I won the lottery, I'd buy a (insert sports car, mansion, or other expensive item here)." Most of us tend to selfishly think only of what we would do for ourselves. While it's nice to dream of the extravagancies we would reward ourselves with, we should also consider what we could do for others.

You've just won $10 million in a lottery, but there's a catch. You aren't allowed to spend a single dime on yourself. Other than that, you can choose any way to spend your money. What do you buy, and who do you buy it for? Do you spend the money on family, friends, your community, or complete strangers? Or do you not spend it at all, and instead donate it to a worthy cause? Do you buy luxury items for people or spend the money on what others would benefit from (Examples: paying for the college education of a family member, helping a friend make the down-payment on their dream home)? Would you be tempted to spend even a little on yourself?

Good luck and best writing!


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